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This privacy and cookie policy informs you how we use personal data that is submitted to us, or personal data collected by us online (using cookies). This policy is available at


pureSignal of Sweden AB will always comply with applicable privacy laws, as well as ensure that personal information is treated confidentially. pureSignal of Sweden AB will not, unless there is a law or a legally binding decision from competent authorities, provide personal data to third parties without prior consent, if not specifically stated here.


pureSignal of Sweden AB will process the following personal data:


  • Name, phone number and email to process a request when you fill out the form on our website

  • Your IP address to improve the use of our website

  • If you contact pureSignal of Sweden AB, we store correspondence or comments, which may contain personal data, to provide better service if you contact pureSignal of Sweden AB again.

Legal basis for processing

pureSignal of Sweden AB will:


  • Process your personal data legally, correctly and transparently.

  • Collect your personal data for the stated and legitimate purposes set out in this policy, and will not process your personal data in any manner that is incompatible with these purposes.

  • Collect and process personal data that is adequate, relevant and necessary for the purposes in which it is collected and used.

  • Process your personal data only as long as it is necessary for the purposes it was collected.

  • Take appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized

  • access, illegal processing and unauthorized or accidental loss, destruction or damage to personal data, thereby ensuring an appropriate security level.

  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is accurate and updated without delay if pureSignal of Sweden AB is informed or becomes aware of incorrect information.

  • When requested, delete personal data without unnecessary delay, unless there are legal reasons to continue processing.

  • Upon request, limit the processing, unless there are legal reasons to continue processing.

  • Upon request, inform you which personal data has been processed by pureSignal of Sweden AB in a customary and machine-readable form.

Legal basis for processing

pureSignal of Sweden AB collects and processes your personal data if and to the extent you have given consent. If and to the extent that your inquiry results in an agreement between you and pureSignal of Sweden AB, your personal information that was collected and processed when the request was made, will be processed to the necessary extent to comply with pureSignal of Sweden AB's commitments according to the current agreement.


pureSignal of Sweden AB will further process your personal data to the extent pureSignal of
Sweden AB is obliged to do so due to law or decisions from authority.

Personal data assistant

pureSignal of Sweden AB lets a personal data assistant process all personal data by partly storing data and partly operating our systems. The personal data assistant may also read, organize and send personal data according to instructions from pureSignal of Sweden AB.


The personal data assistant only processes your personal data on servers located within the border between the EU and the EEA and which is controlled by the Personal Data Protection Officer.

Cookies are third parties regardless

pureSignal of Sweden AB uses cookies to provide a more user-friendly website. Cookies from third parties may also be used (e.g. Google Analytics or others tools) for analysis purposes and/or traffic
and visit improvement.


If you do not want cookies installed on your computer or want to limit the processing of such information, your browser may allow you to opt-out or anonymize your IP address.


pureSignal of Sweden AB ensures that appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or destruction, illegal processing or accidental loss or damage.


pureSignal of Sweden AB uses a secure server where your personal data is processed and restricts access to personal data within the organization. Authorization to gain access to personal data is only given to individuals within the organization, as well as to the Personal Data Officer, with the sole purpose of enabling them to perform their duties.

Changes to this privacy policy

pureSignal of Sweden AB reserves the right to change this privacy policy if necessary, for example, to comply with changes in laws and regulations. Such changes will be published on pureSignal of Sweden AB's website.

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